Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Noninvasive Mommy-Makover

As you are showering love on the little bundle of joy that the stork brought you it soon becomes apparent that the other thing the stork brought was stretch marks. But modern science has brought us a remedy in the form of the Sciton BBL SkinTyte Treatment.

Pregnancy stretch marks are caused by the stretching of the skin during pregnancy and some doctors believe that hormones during pregnancy have an impact. Most women will experience stretch marks to some degree during pregnancy, but that is not the only circumstance that brings them on. 
Weight gain in an adult or growth spurts in adolescents can cause stretch marks. As the dermis, or skin is pulled the collagen weakens causing the marking. Guys can get stretch marks too. If you are at the gym, and you should be, you will notice that many of the weightlifters have stretch marks as their skin strains to keep up with their growing muscles. Believe it or not, different steroid medications, creams, or lotions can cause stretch marks. (It may be another reason why some weightlifters that are “roided up” may get stretch marks). There are some diseases like Cushing’s syndrome that cause stretch marks too.

Moisturizing can help mitigate the forming of stretch marks but can’t totally keep them away. Thankfully the Sciton BBL SkinTyte can have a significant impact on decreasing the appearance of stretch marks. Dr. Mark Forysythe, the Founder and Medical Director of Aesthetic Dimensions believes that the Scion BBL is great alternative to surgery if a patient wants to diminish stretch marks. “The only way to totally eliminate stretch marks is through surgery like a tummy tuck, but many of my patients want a non-invasive solution that will make an impact on their appearance and that’s why we use the Sciton BBL SkinTyte Treatment, says Dr. Forsythe. “My patients love that it’s painless, there is no downtime, and the results are great”.

The Sciton BBL is a pulsed light technology that deeply heats your skin but keeps the surrounding tissue cool. The deep intense heating breaks down your deeper layers of skin and stimulates the production of collagen which rises to the top layers of skin to create a firmer, smoother skin texture. The cooling of the surrounding tissue makes for a very comfortable treatment experience with virtually no downtime.

The SkinTyte Treatment is good for all skin types. A series of three to six treatment sessions are recommended to achieve the optimal results for the appearance of your stretch marks.
Now you can love your baby and your skin.